"Journaling is a spiritual habit.
It's about the lessons God is teaching you."
Rick Warren


Write Journals


Write it down - Habbakuk 2:2
Your dreams, your hopes, your prayers, your fears, inspiration from your quiet time...really anything and make it plain, so that when you see it you can run with the vision.  They will either be road maps leading to destiny or trips down memory lane spurring thanksgiving.
See Habbakuk 2:2

Fruits of the Spirit Mini Journals


Character building
Each character trait that the Spirit births in us is building us up into our true selves, and as we grow in; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, our inner beauty radiates out.
See Galatians 5:22-23

Desk/Portable Planners

Planning precedes performance
Have you ever had to deliver something you didn't plan for properly? Anything worth doing is worth planning, otherwise once you start the project you'll find that you are not able to complete it.
See Luke 14:28-29